Rings are one of the best tools for developing upper body strength. Before using rings foundational strength should be developed with Pulling and Pressing progressions.

progressions - Muscle up Prep drills

Progression 1 - False Grip Inclined Hang

Points of Performance
- Pisiform in contact with rings. Wrist directly below the strap.
- Aim to straighten arms completely.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds

Progression 2 - False Grip Hang

Points of Performance
- Begin with bent arms and lower to straight. 
- Lock elbows completely at the bottom.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds


Progression 3 - False Grip Chin Hang

Points of Performance
- Aim to pull rings to chest.
- Keep rings close.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds


Progression 4 - False Grip Chin-Up

Points of Performance
- Maintain false group throughout entire set. 
- Aim to pull rings as low as possible.

Required Work: 5 x 5 reps

Progression 5 - False Grip Low Chin-Up

Points of Performance
- Low refers to where the rings contact the body. Aim to pull to below the nipple line.

Required Work: 5 x 5 reps


Progression - Muscle-up

Progression 1 - Foot Assisted Muscle-Up

Points of Performance
- Train this drill for low reps and use legs as little as possible.
- Keep rings close together and close to chest while transitioning. 

Progression 2 - Assisted Strict Muscle-Up

Points of Performance
- Use as little assistance as possible to complete the movement. 
- Set the rings at a height which will allow partner to assist (even if legs must be bent at the bottom).

Progression 3 - Muscle-Up Negative

Points of Performance
- Aim to lower as slowly as possible through the transition.
- Both elbows should transition at the same time.

Progression 4 - Strict Muscle-Up


Points of Performance
- Keep the rings close and pull low on rib cage.
- Sit through the transition.